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The Boston Artistry Waiver


Children under 18 are REQUIRED to have their waivers signed and initialed by a parent or legal guardian (preferably the one accompanying them to TBA) before participating in classes, workshops, or drop-in activities at TBA. 

Our waivers are entirely confidential. None of your personal information will be given away or sold.



The Boston Artistry LLC



Release and Indemnification Agreement


As the parent or legal guardian of the participating child, I authorize and approve my child's involvement in all activities organized by The Boston Artistry LLC (hereinafter "The Boston Artistry").


I acknowledge that participation in The Boston Artistry's activities may involve various creative sessions, including but not limited to wearable art workshops, canvas painting classes, and open-ended art classes. I understand that these activities may occur both within and outside The Boston Artistry's premises, potentially involving visits to nearby art galleries, studios, or outdoor spaces, carrying inherent risks of physical injury or exposure.


I acknowledge that the aforementioned risks are not exhaustive and that this release does not limit its scope.

By enrolling my child in The Boston Artistry's programs, and in consideration for their participation, I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless The Boston Artistry and its employees from any and all claims, actions, demands, or liabilities, including negligence claims, arising from or related to my child's participation or inability to participate in the programs.

By signing below or checking the appropriate box during online registration, I confirm that I have read and understood this Release and Indemnification Agreement, recognizing its implications on assuming risks and releasing liability. I acknowledge that The Boston Artistry relies on this waiver for my child's participation.


I affirm that my child has no limitations that would impede their safe participation in The Boston Artistry's programs. If any reasonable accommodations are necessary for my child, including medication needs, allergies, or other physical or mental attributes, please describe them below.


[Space for parent/guardian to describe any necessary accommodations



Thanks for submitting!

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